Our Story

Hey there! Welcome to SOTO STUDIOS, the online store created by two besties Lily and Wendy! We started this store during the pandemic back in March 2022 when we both lost our jobs. Journaling and scrapbooking were our hobbies, and they helped us through the tough times.

At the beginning, we only had three categories of products - Journal Supplies Kit, Stickers, and Tape. With a limited budget, we had to turn Wendy's living room into our makeshift studio. But thanks to all of you, our followers on social media, our business started to grow, and our product range and inventory quickly expanded.

By August 2022, we rented a small studio apartment and got ourselves a few shelves to store our inventory.

And now, in March 2023, we've moved to an even bigger studio!

We have over 600 products on our website, and we've organized them with specific locations to make it easier for us to find them.

From June to August 2023, we have planned to launch a new website exclusively for the US market. This website, named soto-studios.us.com, will focus on selling our Mega Value Packs to customers in the United States, enhancing their shipping speed. As part of this initiative, we have established a partnership with a fulfillment company based in Los Angeles, California. These Mega Value Packs will be carefully packaged by us before being transported to their warehouse together. They will then handle the shipping to customers on our behalf.

We want to say thank you for supporting us and making SOTO STUDIOS possible. With your help, we've come this far, and we have even more plans and dreams for the future. We can't wait to continue sharing our passion for journaling with you and growing together in this creative community!